I have a diverse professional background ranging from being a Wall St. analyst to financial advisor to educational entrepreneur to political candidate and consultant. Even though I'm allegedly a distant cousin of Billy Crystal and was always told that I have a good sense of humor, I never remotely considered comedy as a vocation till last May. Last May I attended an open mic night in Pompano Beach, and I said to myself, "I think I can do that." So, two weeks later I did just that at the same open mic hoping just not to make a fool of myself, and as I walked away everyone in the audience told me I was one of the top 3 comics that night. So, I was inspired to perfect my art, and I went back seven times until I got the respect of my fellow comics, most notably Jourdan Kast who decided to partner with me in this event on April 2. Together, Jourdan and I put together this amazing lineup of Florida Jewish comics, and I can't wait to emcee and introduce them to our audience.